Child Language Development Stages

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All children except the retarded or handicapped once acquires their mother tongues, and for that they have to go through several distinctive stages. In almost all the cases, children's language development follows a predictable order. Each child’s development is usually characterization by gradual acquisition of particular abilities and traits.
We find many different ways to characterize the developmental sequence in child language acquisition. On the production side, one way to name the stages is as demonstrated in below:
Different stages in child language development
*Pre-linguistic stage
from 1-2 months, it is crying and fussing
From 2-4 months, Grunts or sighs, and later coos.
4-6 months, Squeal , growls, yells, raspberries and snorts
*Babbling stage
6-9 months, Repetitive consonant-vowel (CV) patterns .
*One word stage
9-18 months, Single open-class words or word stems
*Two-ward Stage
18-24 months, Mini-sentence with simple semantic relations.
*Telegraphic stage
24-30 months, Telegraphic sentence structures of lexical rather than functional or grammatical morphemes.
*Later multiward stage
30+ months, Grammatical or functional structures.

(N.B. the left side part after “coma” Are characteristics of that stage)

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