Donna Inez as a dominating mother in "Don Juan" by Lord Byron.

In Byron's Don Juan Canto-I Donna Inez is a fully drawn character on whom Byron has imposed his full creative and imaginative forces to a great extent. Donna Inez is a compound of Byron's mother and wife, with some features derived from Lady

Caroline Lamb and Clair Clairmont.

There is the dramatic manner of suddenness and abruptness of presentation of this learned lady whose virtue and wit are equal with each other. She is famed for every branch of every science known by virtue of her multilinguistic lore and the cleverest people are even made ashamed by it and before her wisdom, good men groan with inward envy.

Byron at the one hand presented Donna Inez with laudation as regards her merit but soon her manner brings condemnation upon as because in spite of her good qualities she is a fault-finder but never admits her own error. Byron informs that Donna Inez has a devilish spirit in her who mixes up fancies with realities to

complicate the matter and never leaves the opportunities to throw

her husband into an odd situation.

Donna Inez's brow dictates the goal of the homily, who is an all-in-all sufficient self-director like the lamented late Sir Samuel Romilly.
Indeed Donna Inez's qualities are numerous and Byron ever-presents
her disqualification under the garb of praise. But due to the incompatibilities in the two horizons of Don Jose and Donna Inez's emotions, their conjugal life turns to hell and they now pretentiously try to get consolation by continuing illegal relationships with other men and women. While marriage has given them a subtle knot, they now at present wish each other's death but not divorce who never show their outward signs of inward strife. Donna Inez is considered like the Spartan ladies who want to see eagerly the death of first husband for the chance of choosing the next husband.

Byron makes the ridiculous view of this pious lady Donna Inez when he informs that before her marriage she had a relationship with Alfonso and makes now her son for becoming a lover of Donna Julia. Outwardly she wants to make her free from any sexual vice, debility, or any sort of unbecoming qualities. Through her treatment of Don Juan, we get another side of Byron's presentation of Donna Inez

who is the sagest of women. So she resolves that her Juan should be quite a paragon and worthy of the noblest pedigree. After appointing a tutor for Juan to see her son as strictly moral she often inquired into his studies and thought he was tried to be trained up through all the subjects of arts and science.

Donna Inez and Donna Julia's relationship in this poem is a new turn because Donna Inez always maintains an affair with Donna Julia only thinking of it as the best way to continue Inez's affair with Alfonso. To continue an illicit affair with Alfonso Inez knowing her soul's advances with Julia never questions her son or like a clever woman she was pensive in this matter. From this incident, we are ready to give a verdict that Donna Inez's all wiles and tactics to make her son the symbol of morality is nothing but a hoax or like casting dust over the eyes of the other. Donna Inez remains long time absent at the period of her son's relationship with Julia but further appears when a scandalous report is going to be published concerning Julia's relationship with Juan. She vows to Virgin Mary for several pounds of scandals and then by the advice of some old ladies she sends her son to be embarked at Cadiz. After this incident, we do not get any more mentioning or appearance of Donna Inez the most domina male character in Byron's poem "Don Juan Canto I.

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